How To Learn Faster ?

Days becoming nights, nights after nights, days after days, we are still not there, although we are progressing. Sometimes we struggle to endure the process of learning something or becoming someone. Does it really have to do with the amount of time we need to spend or just we are learning slow? To be honest it is a bit of both or not.
But to grasp something and put it into work actually requires us to create our competent level. A level where we are both comfortable and well skilled at manipulating it. This level is well attainable if we are determined to put our full effort or at least as much as we can under different circumstances. Then, we have to be aware of the efficiency of our effort, otherwise, the effort will not curve accordingly our desired angle. To formulate a higher efficiency, we need to accelerate our instinctive abilities. If we direct these abilities with a proper supplement, it's possible that our efforts will have a clear path to reach its destination. That way efficiency will be less dim, as we progress and we will learn faster.

In order to stimulate our instinctive abilities and quicken its functions, we need to focus on a few general activities. Improve functionality of our abilities will lead us to learn faster. To scan those activities, you need to read the following paragraphs!

Everything appears plain and smoothe when it is in a proper time frame. A proper routine is one of the most important and effective tools. Everyone more or less struggles through things when they first decide to accomplish something. Any unfamiliar task often distracts the mainline of progress to stumble around, when we not following a proper time frame. If you ask anyone, they will highly suggest and recommend you to sketch a proper time routine. It is undoubtedly one of the most convincing ways to maximise your efforts. If you are starting or already started to learn something, please make a routine of your day and night, try your best to stick to your plan. If you become consistent with your time management, you can expect higher efficiency in your work. Thus it will render you to learn quickly.

Before you jump on something to master it, please, make sure you have accumulated enough interest. Because this initial interest will be the main driving force of your future progression. We often it's not hard to admit drop things we once tried to accomplish. What were the reasons, if you reel back obviously you will find many but if you focus on your memory, you will see you had but lack of interest? Interest is nothing but a gleam of light, once we see its colour, it will inevitably make the path visible for our things to reach its preconceived aim. However, some time or for some most of the time, this can be dim but does not mean it can not get brighter. Research on particular subjects, a comprehensive investigation of its pros and cons is the easiest way to make the light brighter or just switch it off.
It's important that you have enough interest in your particular thing that we are going to work on. Make sure, you know what are possible branches there can be to climb. Make sure that particular thing hits you like a nightmare, follows you every day and everywhere. Make sure, you feel its presence even if you are not conscious of your present. Then it can produce the driving force for you to make yourself feel comfortable to sit every day in the grid of your time routine. After this, all you have to do is to just sit in the bank and watch how the flow of current activity fills the efficient tank. Simply put, this a great way to learn things faster.

Study your psyche, look for patterns how it behaves in a different circumstance. Not every hour is the same, the sun is in a different position, the temperature is different, wind constantly changing its directions, pressures of activity fluctuating, distractions of variant kinds attract our forces. There can be a thousand reasons to lose your focus from your actual work. Know what you love most when you feel low. Know what you love least when you feeling high. By knowing one's own behaviours in different circumstances can greatly influence to become more efficient. If one of your friends tells you, hey, we are going to play baseball in the evening. So, excitedly you go join them. Had an awesome game. But when you get back home, you are supposed to take rest for a while and get back to your planned time frame. Now, because you are tried, having low blood pressure, already had produced too much serotonin during the game. You feel well, you know what, I will sit for this tomorrow. There is nothing wrong with just one time happening in this way. But be cautious, this has a very high probability to stay constant because it requires less force and focus. Not to mention when you start using social media, you just want to scroll down and down until something is found where most of the time nothing is to be found. If you engaged with social media, use them to make you creative, teach you to learn new ideas, teach you to learn new skills, make it beneficial for you. You know your best vulnerabilities, make sure you don't get too attached with them which make you forget about your time frame. Do all your regular activities, there is nothing wrong with that. Just remember your interest, your most valuable thing, you need to fit yourself in the time frame.

Make a habit of writing once a while about the most valuable thing you are exercising. Twice a week is not a bad option . When a certain number of muscles and neurons are in the work session when you are just reading something, then other muscles and neurons are at rest having fun because their colleagues are at work most of the time but they are not. Writing helps you to stress the maximum number of muscles and neurons. This process helps you to go deep in your thought. Orrganize your thoughts from a different perspective. It helps you research more, accumulate new ideas. Makes you faster in thinking, problem solving skill will seem much more improved. You will feel light when you will think in both situations reading and writing. If you research the benefits of writing, I am sure you will find many more of great advantages of it. So, why you should not consider it as one of best way to become extra efficient which ultimately makes you learn things at a greater rate.

Converse your concerns with others in a reciprocal manner. You face problems sometimes easy ones but most of the time little difficult ones especially when you are totally new with something. Don't just sit with your problems alone, go and connect with others who know better. Discuss what you do and how to do it, when problems crumble. Or help others to solve their problem, in this way you become more strong by sharing your thoughts.
When you are establishing a conversation concerning how to make things better. You are actually encountering different ideas, different why and different how. So you become more conscious about what to keep as most valuable or what to lose to balance things up. There are lot of other benefits of having a conversation. But for now all I can tell, it will help you to learn things faster.

Thank you for being patient in ready these words. Hope it helps you to become more efficient. Now you know when you are being efficient, you will learn things faster !


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